Divinity Grace Cavapoos
"Every good and perfect gift is from above..."


About the Cavapoo
The Cavapoo (also sometimes called a Cavoodle or Cavadoodle) is a cross between a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a Poodle. Many believe this adorable breed first originated in Australia around the 1990's but it's hard to know for sure. The main goal in mind when first breeding the Cavapoo, was to create a healthy, charming dog breed with all of the loveable qualities of both their parent breeds. A dog that would be ideal for those with allergies and an ideal family companion. The Cavapoo's sweet nature, small size, and adorable look has helped the breed rise in popularity over the years. Cavapoos are now becoming a popular choice among many families and the breed is still ever growing in popularity around the world!
The Poodle breed ranges in a few different sizes. Since the Cavapoo is mixed with a Poodle which can vary in size, the Cavapoo can also range in those sizes including; Toy (6-10lbs), Miniature (12-18lbs), Moyen/medium (22-35lbs), and standard/large (45-60lbs). The Toy and Miniature sizes are most popular, as they are a perfect lap dog size. The larger sized Cavapoos are called "Cuddle Cavapoos". They can range anywhere from 25-60lbs. The Cuddle Cavapoo is perfect for those who like all of the qualities of the smaller Cavapoo but prefer a sportier dog. We only use Toy and Miniature Poodles as parents to our Cavapoos.
Red, cream, apricot, black, brown, black and tan, tri, and parti (white as the base color, spotted with another color). Cavapoos can range in so many different colors! Reds have become very popular, but ALL colors are adorable! To see pictures of some of our past Cavapoos and colors go to our Cavapoo gallery page.
Temperament & Characteristics:
The Cavapoo is known for their exceptional temperament, making them an ideal family pet or companion for almost anyone. Cavapoos are extremely friendly and sweet. If you want a "little shadow" and a dog that wants to be with you night and day, this is the breed for you! They get along extremely well with children and other animals. Cavapoos are intelligent and strive to please their human family. They are very people-oriented, making them a great choice for first time dog owners, as they are adaptable and easy to handle. Because they are so fond of their humans, they can develop separation anxiety when left alone. This is less likely to happen if training starts at puppyhood. Cavapoos are bright and typically easy to train as long as you are consistent (treats are also helpful). All training should be handled in a gentle, calm, positive manner as Cavapoos are a sensitive breed. House training may be more difficult. Cavapoos can be slower to mature and may require a longer time frame to house break than other breeds. Patience and positive reinforcement are key. Cavapoos like to alert their owners of any visitor that is coming but aside from this they are not excessive barkers like some breeds, such as Terriers. With their loyal, social, and gentle demeanor Cavapoos can make great therapy dogs. In all, enough good things cannot be said for the Cavapoo breed. You really need to meet them to to fully understand why they are becoming one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. But beware! When you meet a Cavapoo they will steal a piece of your heart! You will fall in love and find out that you must have one of these loveable little dogs!
About the Cavalier
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel:
The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel of today is the direct descendant of the small Toy Spaniels seen in many pictures of the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. Originating in the United Kingdom, Toy Spaniels were commonly kept as pets of the Royal families during the Tudor times. Their main purpose being to provide companionship and warm the laps of the Ladies of the Court. Thus the Cavalier acquired the nickname "The Comfort Spaniel". Many ladies would hide their Spaniel under their skirts and could often be seen riding in carriages with a Spaniel or two curled up on their lap.
It was because of King Charles II and his love of the little dog, that they were given the Royal title of King Charles Spaniels. It was said that King Charles II was seldom seen without a few Spaniels at his heels. During the early part of the 18th century, John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough kept red and white King Charles Spaniels. They were well known for their sporty qualities as well as being companions. His estate was named Blenheim in honor of his victory at the Battle of Blenheim. Because of this influence, the red and white variety of King Charles Spaniel became known as the Blenheim. That long ago battle in France also gave us the legend of the "Blenheim Spot"; a thumb print shaped chestnut marking atop the head of the Blenheim Cavalier. The story goes that awaiting the news of her husband's fate on the battlefield, the nervous Duchess of Marlborough was said to have pressed the head of a pregnant spaniel with her thumb. When the litter was born, all the puppies carried the telltale mark of their mistress' anxious vigil. Although it may just be a bit of folklore, it is a charming story that has continued to be associated with the unique marking since the time of the spaniels living at the Blenheim palace.
As time went by, the King Charles Spaniels started to change in appearance and almost fade away altogether, as other breeds such as Pugs, became more in fashion with the new era. Then in 1926 a man from America, and a great lover of Toy Spaniels, Mr. Roswell Eldrige went over to England and was unpleasantly surprised to find that there were none of the little Spaniels that were once in the classic portraits to be found. This sparked a mission for Mr. Roswell Eldridge and he offered a grand prize of 25 pounds of sterling silver each as a prize for those with quality "old type" Blenheim Spaniels as shown in King Charles II of England's time. Some people entered their Spaniel but unfortunately Eldrige died before seeing his plan come to fruition. Eldridge did spark an interest in several breeders and those breeders formed the first Cavalier Club in 1928. The club created a new standard, based on a dog named "Ann's Son" which they believed was the closest Spaniel to the old type. They recognized the new variety of Spaniels as "King Charles Spaniels, Cavalier type". The history of the new type is relatively recent, although the history dates back to those first Spaniels dwelling in royal palaces.
The Cavalier King Charles Spaniels wasn't recognized by the American Kennel Club until 1995. The royal breed has risen in popularity ever since and is now the number 17th most popular pure breed in the USA. The Cavalier is one of the most affectionate dogs you will meet. They are extremely patient, eager to please, playful and good with most dogs and children. Cavaliers adapt quickly to almost any environment, family, and bond deeply with their family. They are naturally curious, and have a happy-go-lucky, zest for life. It's hard to feel sad when you have a Cavalier by your side. It's a real honor when a Cavalier cares for you. Queen Victoria owned a Tri Cavalier named Dash. He was considered the Queen's closest childhood friend. He passed away shortly after she became queen; she wrote the following message on his memorial. I think it sums up the Cavalier's meaning in life perfectly; "Here lies Dash, the favorite spaniel of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, by whose command this memorial was erected. He died on the 20th December 1840 in his ninth year. His attachment was without selfishness, his playfulness without malice, his fidelity without deceit. Reader, if you would live beloved and die regretted, profit by the example of Dash."
The AKC recognizes four official colors: the Blenheim, Tri, Black and Tan, and Ruby Cavalier. Although more uncommon, Cavaliers can also be found in chocolate (brown) colors, which include chocolate and tan, chocolate ruby, chocolate tri, and chocolate Blenheim. They can also come in solid black, & black and white colors. These are non-official colors by A.K.C standards but equally beautiful and 100% Cavalier. The Cavalier weighs between 13-18lbs and stands between 12-13 inches in height.

About the Poodle

Although the Poodle is the national dog of France, the Poodle actually originated in Germany. The breed name comes from the German word "pudel" or "pudelin", which means "to splash in the water". In France, the breed is called "Caniche", French for "duck dog". The Poodle was named after splashing water because they were originally bred to be water retrievers (The Poodle has many talents other then their stylish looks!). Their job was to bring ducks and other birds back to their masters. Poodles still love water to this day and you can see many Poodles (and Doodles) swimming in pools and playing in backyard sprinklers. We only use miniature Poodles to be the parents of our Cavapoo puppies but Poodles actually come in four different sizes including: Standard, Miniature, Medium (also known as Moyen), and Toy. Regardless of size Poodles are an active breed and need daily playtime, stimulation and training. They love a good game of fetch and daily walks. Their eagerness to please also makes them an excellent service/therapy dog. Another reason why Poodles are so popular, is due to their hypoallergenic hair, that comes in many different varieties and may be styled in many different ways! The Poodle has been a favorite breed for many years and will be for many more years to come!